
There are just a handful bridge scoring programs in the world, and I am sure that all of them handle the basics well - that is member management and the scoring and publishing of session. What sets Compass apart is the additional functionality that it provides. Here are some of those special Compass features.

Scoring Assist Mode

This feature greatly simplifies the scoring setup process for club sessions.

  • Automatically selects the session details (name, date etc) from the club calendar of events
  • Given the tables numbers, only the best movement options are displayed.
  • The movement options are modified when there is a phantom..
  • The stationary positions are identified when seating rights are required.
  • Additional stationary postitions can be created.
  • Directors notes and table guide cards and personal guide cards can be printed.
  • Can be customised if your club likes to play a less that desirable movement.
Dealer Assist

Compass can directly interface with your dealing machine.

  • Displays upcoming events from the club calendar of events.
  • Deals the hands for a session at a click of a button.
  • Can truncate any deal file to get fewer boards.
  • Can split a deal file into two separate files (useful for teams events to get the triangle boards).
  • Can print the hand record and/or the traveller PDFs.
  • For BS club, the makeables can be created
Roles Management

This is used to modify the menu options based on a given role. Typical roles could be say scorers or dealers or admin.

  • When users start Compass as a particular role, the menu shows items appropriate to that role only.
  • An administrator can optionally assign a passcode to any of the roles.
  • A role can be locked down to a specific PC (eg the dealing PC).
Group Management

Group management is used primarily in the CompassMail module

  • Any number of groups are defined, eg committee, scorers, directors, kitchen staff etc.
  • Members are assigned to one or more groups
  • Targeted CompassMail can then be sent to the members of any group.

CompassMail can be used to send email directly from Compass.

  • Email body can be HTML format or plain text.
  • Templates body text and footer text can be created and used repeatedly.
  • Recipients can be Compass Groups or by members NZB grade or by members playing session or by a selection of members or from a CompassMail contact list.
  • Attachments can be added.
Player Analysis

The analysis is done by individual each club session or a groups of sessions. The report gives

  • Detailed players attendance for each daily session.
  • Totals by player NZB Grade for each session.
  • Average table count for each session.
  • Can report this years attendance or last years attendance.
  • Reports exported to MS Excel.

NZB Reconciliation

This compares the memberships in the Club Database and the NZB Database. This can ensure that the quarterly invoices for NZB affliliation fees are accurate.

  • Lists the club home club members that are not in the NZB database as home club.
  • Lists the home club members in the NZB database that are not in the club database.
  • List other difference between the database eg first name or last name.

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