

XG Grades are an adaptation of the National Grade System (NGS) implemented by the English Bridge Union. A National Grade (NG) is an assessment of the playing standard of all affiliated members. Full details of the EBU NGS is available here.



Included session types are


Example 1
		Assume …	
                            your current NGS   =   55%
                   your partner’s current NG   =   61%
                    the opponents average XG   =   52%

         In this session, the Expected Score   is   50%
                                        plus       Average of you and your partners current NG
                                        less       Average of the opponents NG
                                               =   50  +  (55 + 61)  / 2  - 52 
                                               =   56% 

        If the pair scored 57% for the session, the partnership has scored 1% (57 less 56)
        ABOVE expectation, so this has a positive effect on your NG.
Example 2
		Assume this pair is playing in a much stronger field where the opposition's 
		average XG is 60%	
                            your current NGS   =   55%
                   your partner’s current NG   =   61%
                    the opponents average XG   =   60%

         In this session, the Expected Score   is   50%
                                        plus       Average of you and your partners current NG
                                        less       Average of the opponents NG
                                               =   50  +  (55 + 61)  / 2  - 60 
                                               =   46% 

        If the pair scored 57% for the session, the partnership has scored 11% (57 less 46) 
        ABOVE expectation, so this has a very positive effect on your NG.
Example 2
		Assume this pair is playing in a much weaker field where the opposition 
		average XG is 47%	
                            your current NGS   =   55%
                   your partner’s current NG   =   61%
                    the opponents average XG   =   47%

         In this session, the Expected Score   is  50%
                                        plus       Average of you and your partners current NG
                                        less       Average of the opponents NG
                                               =   50  +  (55 + 61)  / 2  - 47 
                                               =   61% 

        If the pair scored 57% for the session, the partnership has scored 4% (57 less 61) 
        BELOW expectation, so this has a negative on your NG.

Bottom line

As the NG recalculations are dependent on many factors, it is difficult to predict how the NG changes from session to session. A rough rule of thumb is that, for every 1% variation from the expected score, the XG will change by about 0.025% (give or take).


XG Grades are calculated for all participants is the weekly XClub competitions. Some facts and figures:


XG (and NG) grades are perfect for club handicapping. There are two options for the applied handicaps:

  1. Simply use the players NG
  2. Use the pairs Expected Score (ES)

Option 2 is preferable as it considers the playing strength of the competing field. For example

The calculations for Expected Score handicapping is more complicated as the current NG Grades is used required for all participants in any session. The Compass Scoring System does these calculations automatically.


This example is from the Matamata Bridge Club. Note that Compass users can this view type of report from the View Results in Notepad ... Results - Handicap (XG) menu option on the View Session Results screen.

		Handicap Champs  Session  1 Handicap: XG Handicap   08 July 2021

         Total Players         8
         XG Average          56.11            Opps       Player       Pair Expected  Exp      Raw    H/Cap
                                               XG          XGs         XG    Score  Score H/C Score  Score
 1   Lesley Quilty & Joy Williams             55.62   61.64 + 57.39   59.52   53.89   -3.89   65.77   61.88
 2   Michele Liddle & Ian Bond                56.12   52.32 + 59.74   56.03   49.91    0.09   55.36   55.45
 3   Ken Yule & Kathy Yule                    55.10   62.19 + 64.16   63.18   58.08   -8.08   61.31   53.23
 4   Lynette Morgan & Guy Kalma               56.08   59.78 + 52.86   56.32   50.24   -0.24   53.27   53.03
 5   Rachel Aylett & Joanne Swanwick          56.91   40.12 + 60.94   50.53   43.62    6.38   45.54   51.92
 6   Malcolm Kirkby & Laurie Belfield         56.03   56.50 + 56.88   56.69   50.66   -0.66   45.54   44.88
 7   Henk Hemmes & Judith Howard              56.33   50.23 + 58.91   54.57   48.24    1.76   42.86   44.62
 8   Elaine Saywell & Helen Reid              56.69   52.72 + 51.37   52.05   45.36    4.65   30.36   35.01

         Total Players         8
         XG Average          49.38            Opps       Player       Pair Expected  Exp      Raw    H/Cap
                                               XG          XGs         XG    Score  Score H/C Score  Score
 1   Joan Darby-Smith & Beth Vosper           49.39   48.55 + 49.96   49.26   49.86    0.14   60.42   60.56
 2   Hermanna Hemmes & Fritz Vibelund         48.41   57.50 + 54.77   56.14   57.72   -7.72   64.58   56.86
 3   Saskia van Waaijenburg & Julie Morgan    50.86   39.00 + 39.00   39.00   38.14   11.86   44.94   56.80
 4   Colin Le Quesne & Anne Beetham           48.70   50.71 + 57.56   54.14   55.44   -5.44   58.33   52.89
 5   Maeleen Borkin & Lorraine Vickers        49.89   46.22 + 45.41   45.82   45.93    4.07   42.56   46.63
 6   Austin Brown & Ross McIntyre             50.13   40.75 + 47.48   44.12   43.99    6.01   38.69   44.70
 7   Dale Swap & Sonia Crawford               48.57   53.06 + 56.94   55.00   56.43   -6.43   48.21   41.78
 8   Moya Young & Coral Daisley               49.07   51.33 + 51.79   51.56   52.50   -2.50   42.26   39.76

Bob Fearn
July 2021

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