Compass Scoring System
The Compass Scoring System has been under development by Bob Fearn for the better part of 40 years. This long-term project began in the late 70s when Bob was living in Tokoroa. Now resident in Seattle USA, Bob is making constant advances in the capabilities and functionality of Compass.
Functionality Summary
Scoring event types: Duplicate Pairs, Swiss Pairs, Swiss Teams, Individuals, Multiple Teams, Knock out Teams, Round Robin Teams, Barometer Pairs
Scoring methods: Matchpoint, Butler IMPs, Cross IMPs, Point-A-Board
Support for all electronic scoring systems Bridgemate, BridgeTab, BridgePal and BridgePad
100's of inbuilt movements
Many options available for Individual movements, for both full and partial tables
Table movement guides and personal guide cards printed at the click of a button
Club membership management including the creation of annual subscription accounts
Automatic integration of the NZ Bridge player database
Reconciliation comparison of the data in the club and NZB databases.
Automatic evaluation of non members attending club sessions
Privacy management restricts the member's information to authorized people only
Automatic ftp of master point files to NZ Bridge
Email fully integrated
Email of results to all participating players at the click of a button
Dropbox fully integrated meaning updates to system data files are instantly available to users
Compass installations of Compass are synched to the club data files (via Dropbox)
Direct integration with your hand dealing hardware
Support for hand record file in BRI, DLM or PBN formats
Hand generation service available for tournaments and one-off events
Hand records for all week-day club sessions available through the XClub service
Automatic access to the hand records related to the NZB Lessons
Pre-entry files can be maintained and draws calculated based on players rating points
XMLs generated for upload to
USEBIO XMLs generated for upload to Pianola and Bridgeweb sites
McManus triangle available for Swiss Teams
Pair datums calculated for team events
Automatic evaluation of substitutions in club pairs competitions
Club handicapping available
XClub handicapping available
Automatic calculation of "70% Club" and "Slam Club" ladders
The Compa$$ module allows a club to go totally cashless for table money and subscriptions
Integrated with Hello Club, which automates the table money process (among other things)
Program updates (ie the executable) available via Dropbox at the click of a button
One off purchase cost with no ongoing support or maintenance charges
Fully documented using Microsoft HTML Help. Help is integrated into all Compass screens.
System is continuously enhanced based on user feedback
And lots more ...
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